Symptoms Caused by Mold Infestation
- Persistent coughing
- Asthma-like or breathing difficulties
- Allergic symptoms
- Unexplained, recurring illness
Mold may be the culprit! Dangerous and toxic varieties of mold, such as Stachybotrys, aspergillus and other pathogens can be growing invisibly in your environments, making you sick.
When mold is present in your home or workplace, you may not be able to see it, but you may be feeling it by means of continual respiratory illnesses, allergic reactions and general malaise. As with any health concern, early detection and prompt attention is the key.
Don’t know what is triggering your symptoms in your environment?
Call an Environmental Diagnostics Specialists. Aegis Asia can provide an in depth mold inspection services to find and identify mold infestation, including hidden mold growth, in your homes, workplaces, on board of ship and oil Rig vessels etc.
Need help with Mold Removal?
Our experts are ready to assist you. For immediate response, contact us now!